Company Profile

A leader in gourmet food delivery, Omaha Steaks is America’s Original Butcher®. Available online and at retail stores nationwide, Omaha Steaks delivers an exceptional steak experience. In addition to the finest naturally aged, grain-finished beef, Omaha Steaks is one of the leading providers of premium seafood in the United States and offers a large selection of premium pork, poultry, meals, side dishes, appetizers, and desserts.

Founded in 1917, the company pioneered cross-country foodservice and steak delivery. For five generations of family ownership, the company has built its foundation on customer trust earned through experience, commitment to values, and the relentless pursuit of perfection.

To ensure a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, the company currently employs more than 1,250 full-time and part-time employees, including 100 master butchers with more than 600 years of combined experience. Additionally, the Omaha Steaks team triples in size during the holiday season to satisfy increased demand.

Customers trust Omaha Steaks with dinner, with their families, with a gift for the most special of occasions. To gather around great food is tradition and love, and the Omaha Steaks mission is to deliver exceptional experiences that bring people together… guaranteed.

11030 “O” Street
Omaha, NE 68137
General Information: 402.597.3000
Fax: 800.428.1593
Customer Service: 800.228.9872

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